

The Systems Engineering Toolkit web app is a web based user interface that provide views of the model as well as tools to analyse and manipulate the model.

The model is an abstract representation of the system of interest. The system of interest, or SOI for short, is:

(1) The system whose life cycle is under consideration (ISO/IEC/IEEE 2015),

(2) The system of interest to an observer. (Bertalanffy 1968)

When designing any system, hereafter referred to as the system of interest (SOI), there are three things that need to be accounted for:

  1. The SOI itself,
  2. The system used to develop the SOI, in this case: the engineering team, their organisation and their tools.
  3. The external environment, over which the designer of the SOI has no control.

At the heart of the SE Toolkit is the model of the SOI.

The model is an abstract representation of the SOI.

The SE Toolkit web app provides tools to manipulate the model of the SOI.

The SE Toolkit web app provides tools to analyse the model of the SOI.

Support for model schema version 0.9 will be discontinued with the release of version 0.15, which is anticipated to take place in the first half of 2024.

The SE Toolkit web app upgrades models automatically when they are imported. To upgrade a model, simply import it into the SE Toolkit web app and download it again. Make sure to store the upgraded model safely.

What’s New?

Version 0.14.2

  • Use all the features of the requirements table in the requirements allocation view.
  • Choose to show only system and/or unallocated requirements in requirements tables.
  • Choose to show all or only specified components in the requirements allocation view.
  • View component type, specification and annotations in the requirements allocation view.
  • The selected element(s) is retained when returning to the requirements, structure, interfaces and roadmap views.
  • The visible columns, sort order and filters are retained when returning to any table view.
  • Pagination is reset to the first page when applying a filter in any table.
  • Allocate and deallocate interactions are improved in the requirements allocation view.
  • The requirements metrics in the requirements overview is improved.

Version 0.14.1

  • Create requirement of types CDRL and Non-System.
  • Analyse requirement metrics in the requirements overview.
  • View component specifications and view/edit annotations in the structure table.
  • View/edit annotations in the roadmap table.
  • View/add allocations to components in the requirements table.
  • Use commas to separate search terms in table quick filters.
  • View model statistics as pie charts.
  • The selected tab (diagram or table) is retained when returning to the structure, interface and roadmap views.
  • The selected label mode is retained when returning to the structure view.
  • The quick filter is synchronized between the requirements and allocation tabs in the requirements view.
  • Export buttons are only displayed in the appropriate views.

Version 0.14.0

  • Create requirements and allocate them to components.
  • Create components of types: Facility and Organization.
  • Move a component to another parent using the system structure table.
  • Export requirements in xlsx worksheets.
  • Import requirements and components from xlsx worksheets.
  • All interfaces are displayed in the interfaces view when no root is selected.
  • Return to the last active tab on the dashboard when navigating back from another view.
  • Support for model schema versions prior to version 0.9 was removed.

Supported Model Schemas

SE Toolkit guarantees support for model schemas for a minimum of 24 months after a new version is released.

Version Release Date Description
0.14 2024-01-02 Requirements and import from xlsx
0.13 2023-01-21 IDs, element metatypes and zod
0.12.1 2022-09-21 Timestamps in seconds instead of miliseconds
0.12 2022-07-23 Annotation IDs
0.11 2022-05-09 Stakeholders
0.10 2022-05-03 Annotations and descriptions as element properties
0.9 2021-09-18 Minimum Schema Version

Model schema versions 0.8 (released on 10 December 2020) and older are no longer supported.

What’s Old?

Version 0.13.0

  • Set annotation priority, add remarks and/or mark them as closed.
  • Move elements from one parent to another in the structure and roadmap views by holding down “ALT” on the keyboard while dragging the link.
  • Edit elements in table views.
  • Model and elements have unique IDs, which are presented in diagrams and tables.
  • Navigation to opportunities and risks now works correctly in the dashboard view.
  • Annotation sheets in xlsx export have been improved.

Version 0.12.1

  • Annotate elements with lessons.
  • Purge the change log.
  • Unsaved changes are highlighted in the change log.
  • Selected elements in the tree view are scrolled into view.
  • The System Structure tab is now called Structure.
  • The Interface Design tab is now called Interfaces.
  • Drop a file anywhere in the model view to import it.

Version 0.12.0

  • Create elements of type: person.
  • Use the tree view to navigate the system structure and interface design views.
  • Search for elements in the tree view.
  • Move an annotation to another element directly from the dashboard.
  • Remove an annotation directly from the dashboard.
  • The interface design view now presents valid first level child elements on the diagonal.
  • Annotations utilize IDs which can be either automatically or manually assigned.
  • The layout and navigation within the dashboard view has been improved.
  • Use keyboard shortcut “0” instead of “escape” for resetting the system structure depth to infinity.
  • The keyboard shortcut “escape” for clearing the element selection and resetting the root element was removed.
  • Support for model schema versions prior to version 0.8 was removed.

Version 0.11.5

  • Stakeholders are now called element owners.
  • Element owners can be removed (unassigned) from elements.
  • Dates are formatted similar to ISO format.

Version 0.11.4

  • Edit annotation text via the dashboard.
  • Change stakeholder colour via the dashboard.
  • Remove stakeholders via the dashboard.
  • Edit stakeholder names via the dashboard.
  • Add and edit stakeholder descriptions via the dashboard.
  • Changes to element descriptions are more clearly presented in the change log.

Version 0.11.2

  • Annotate elements with assumptions.
  • Hover over text ending in … on the dashboard in order to see all of it.
  • Actions, assumptions, opportunities & risks are now exported in xlsx instead of element statistics.
  • The annotations column was removed from the system structure and roadmap xlsx exports.

Version 0.11.1

  • The layout, content and presentation of the dashboard view has been reworked and improved.
  • Actions, opportunities, risks and stakeholders are presented in the dashboard view.

Version 0.11.0

  • Assign stakeholders to system elements.
  • Switch the element labels in the system structure view from element type to responsible stakeholder.
  • Use the up arrow on the keyboard to set the root element to the parent of the current root element (move one level up).

Version 0.10.1

  • Element type can be set to product or project.
  • Click on the element type in the system structure diagram in order to change it.
  • When exporting the system structure to excel elements are numbered, sorted in hierarchical order and grouped according to level.

Version 0.10.0

  • Elements can be inserted between two already related elements by dragging the element to be inserted onto the connector.
  • Shape transitions are now animated so that shapes don’t change position instantly any more.
  • List views now include a column displaying element descriptions.
  • Milestone status can be changed from blocked to aborted and aborted to not started.
  • Element creation and editing is disbaled in the dashboard and interface design views.
  • Edit and remove buttons are disabled when nothing is selected.
  • The annotation type “concern” was removed because it was too similar to risk.
  • Elements are now removed immediately instead of having an intermediate remove dialog.

Version 0.9.0

  • Elements in the System Structure and Roadmap views can be viewed as a list.
  • Changes to the model and its elements are logged.
  • The user interface theme can be toggled between dark and light modes.
  • An icon above the top node in the system structure tree indicates that the root has parents.
  • Elements can be edited by double clicking on them.
  • Elements can be set as the root element by double clicking on them while holding down the control key.
  • The initial suggestion for the type of new elements is now set to the type of the first selected element in the current selection.
  • It is no longer possible to add two elements with the same name to the model.
  • Fixed a bug where editing multiple elements set them all to the same type - even if the type was not changed.
  • All elements are now displayed as part of the relevant diagram, thereby negating the need for the element drawer.