
Requirements represent the needs or desires that the SOI must fulfill.

The requirements view enables systems engineers to create requirements in order to specify the system. It also enables allocation of requirements to components.

Requirements View

The requirement type can be one of the following:

  • CDRL
  • Design
  • Environmental
  • External Interface
  • Functional
  • Non-System
  • Other Qualities
  • Performance
  • Physical
  • Resource
  • States / Modes

The verification method for the requirement can be one of the following:

  • Analysis: evaluation of data describing the item under test, such as drawings, specifications, reports, calculations, simulations, models, etc.
  • Demonstration: showing that the item under test performs its intended functions correctly when operated in its intended environment.
  • Inspection: examination of the item under test and related documentation to determine whether it conforms to a specified standard.
  • Test: utilization of appropriate methods and instrumentation to measure parameters and collect, process and analyse the resulting data to determine whether the required performance has been met within the specified tolerance.

Requirements can be annotated in the same way as for diagrams using the notes icon in the requirements table.