Describing Elements

Element descriptions can be added, updated and deleted in the following views:

Elements which have descriptions are indicated by the presence of a solid page icon in the lower right hand corner of the shape representing the element.

Element with description

Descriptions can be viewed by hovering over or tapping the solid page icon.

Description Popover

To add a description: click or tap on a page icon to cause the description popover to stick in place. Then simply click or tap in the box and type away. Click or tap anywhere on the diagram outside the popover to close it and commit your changes to the model.

Add Element Description

To update a description: click or tap on a page icon to cause the description popover to stick in place. Then simply click or tap in the box containing the description you want to update and type away. Click or tap anywhere on the diagram outside the popover to close it and commit your changes to the model.

Update Element Description

To delete a description: click or tap on the page icon to cause the description popover to stick in place. Then simply click or tap in the box containing the description you want to delete and select and delete its contents. Click or tap anywhere on the diagram outside the popover to close it and commit your changes to the model.

Delete Element Description

Press “escape” on the keyboard before clicking on the diagram outside the popover to restore the text and cancel the delete operation. Unfortunately there is no equivalent operation on touch devices yet.

Descriptions can also be added, updated and deleted in tables by double clicking in the description column.

Table Description

Unfortunately, editing text fields in tables is not possible using virtual keyboards on touch devices because the keyboard doesn’t pop up when double clicking on a cell.